Presently Lithuanians are lost in all aroud the world and their home country is forgotten my many of them. Our point is to create Monument for all Lithuanians ( we mean people of different nacionalities, who ‘ve been living in Linthuania for centuries ) and to show our desire to live and create together.
The motive for sculpture we choosed from Lithuanian folk art-it’s “ Tree of Life”.This symbol is one of the most popular in Lithuanian folk tradition, often used in sculpture, architecture, decorations and clothers.
The original sculpture “ Tree of Unity” will be realized in Vingis park in Vilnius. Bigest Sąjūdis manifestations and World Lithuanian Song Festival took place exactly there for many years. Sculpture is going to be made of grey granite and will be 9 meters of height.
One side of the monument will repeat wooden Spindle, on the another side will be written 100 most outstanding people of Lithuania during 1000 years.