Artwork ” The Fishermen of Vilnia River “

The idea of the art project was inspired by the history of the house at 28 Užupio Street and its connection with the Gutauskai family. “After the Second World War, since 1947 my grandparents Ksavera and Aleksandras Gutauskai lived in this house. Grandfather Aleksandras was one of the first professional decorative leather artists in Lithuania, having graduated from Tallinn. Later, in 1963, in this house my parents Leonardas and Loreta got married; father was studying at the time at Vilnius Academy of Arts, and my mother at the Conservatory, and they lived and created here for about a decade. For many years, until the 2000s, while she was alive, grandma, my family and I used to celebrate Easter here – on the cliff of Vilnia river… Leonardas Gutauskas was a keen fisherman, in his youth he used to go fishing in Vilnia river with locals from Užupis, sometimes he “hunted” large salmon or smolt. It was this topic that led me to choose the motif for the artistic sign – stylised figures of fishermen carrying catch, i.e. L. Gutauskas 2002 drawing “Three Salmon”. In my head this theme is perfect not only for Leonardas’ story, but also for Užupis, because this artists’ district is located in the bend of Vilnia river. Such an art object – sign will not only give meaning to history, but also symbolise the proximity of the river, the joy of the renewable water flow, and will have beautiful connections with tradition of metal decor and decoration in Užupis, which was abundant here before the war, and during the Soviet years: the openwork of metal bridges was painted metal railings, entrance gates, canopies and balconies fences, shop and small craft workshop signs, blacksmiths’ works…” Read more:

  1. Naujienų portalo Kultūros rubrikos Facebook | 2022 11 07 |Praėjo metai po Leonardo Gutausko netekties: sūnus jautriai įamžino jo atminimą:
  2. Naujienų portalas | 2022 11 07 | Užupyje – meno kūrinys, skirtas Leonardui Gutauskui atminti:
  3. Naujienų portalo Kultūros rubrikos Facebook | 2022 11 07 |Užupyje – meno kūrinys, skirtas Leonardui Gutauskui atminti:
  4. Naujienų portalas | 2022 11 07 | Dovana Vilniui: Užupį papuošė meno kūrinys, skirtas Leonardui Gutauskui atminti:
  5. Naujienų portalas | 2022 11 07 | Leonardo Gutausko sūnus Užupyje įamžino tėvo atminimą: praėjo metai po netekties:
  6. Naujienų portalas | 2022 11 07 | Užupyje – meno kūrinys, skirtas L. Gutauskui atminti:
  7. Naujienų portalo Facebook | 2022 11 07 | Užupyje – meno kūrinys, skirtas L. Gutauskui atminti:
  8. Naujienų portalas | 2022 11 07 | Užupyje – meno kūrinys, skirtas L. Gutauskui atminti:
  9. Naujienų portalo Facebook | 2022 11 07 |Užupyje – meno kūrinys, skirtas L. Gutauskui atminti:
  10. Portalas Raš |2022 11 07 | Užupį papuošė meno kūrinys, skirtas Leonardui Gutauskui atminti:
  11. Portalas |2022 11 07 | Dovana Vilniui: Užupį papuošė meno kūrinys, skirtas Leonardui Gutauskui atminti:
  12. To be continued…